Harvey Thatching Tiles in Pretoria
Harvey-geteëlde grasdakke in Pretoria
Thatcher Unlimited specialize in constructing traditional tiled thatched roof houses, as well as outdoor entertainment areas known as harvey tiled lapas. These structures have gained popularity due to their remarkable durability and minimal maintenance requirements. Our unique approach involves installing thatch tiles on the exterior of the roof, with a cape reed finish on the interior. This ensures that you still experience the cozy warmth associated with a thatched roof, while benefiting from enhanced longevity and ease of care.
Contact Us today for a quotation to install harvey tiles in Pretoria today.
Thatcher Unlimited spesialiseer in die konstruksie van tradisionele geteëlde grasdakke, sowel as buitelug-ontspanningsareas bekend as Harvey-geteëlde lapas. Hierdie strukture het aan gewildheid gewen as gevolg van hul merkwaardige duursaamheid en minimale instandhoudingsvereistes. Ons unieke benadering behels die installasie van teëls aan die buitekant van die dak, met ‘n Cape Reed-afwerking aan die binnekant. Dit verseker dat jy steeds die gesellige warmte ervaar wat met ‘n rietdak geassosieer word, terwyl jy voordeel trek uit verbeterde langdurigheid en maklike sorg.
Kontak ons vandag vir ‘n kwotasie om Harvey-teëls in Pretoria te installeer.